Sunday, November 09, 2003

Good Tax Cuts
The Republicans are trying to bankrupt America. They have two ways to do this. One is to massively increase spending. After 3 years in the White House, with both Democratic and Republican led Congresses, Clinton's Budget had expanded 3.5%. After the same time, with both Democratic and Republican led Congresses, Bush's budget has expanded 20 (or is it 15.8%?) The second way is tax cuts, Government receipts from taxes have dropped precipitously over the last few years. This, of course, means massive deficits. Would Bush even want to be President in the world he has created? I don't think so. The next President will have to deal with a budget deficit that is the worst in history. With a deficit that is the worst in history, and a FOX news channel which will say he is trying to destroy America by repealing some of the GOP's pro-wealthy, pro-budgetbusting tax cuts. FASCISTS!

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