Friday, May 14, 2004

Hat tip to Chun
Victor David Hanson isn't news to me. I like the way he uses certain words. Maybe we are both too hung up on the classics?

But this shite is just unfucking believeable

We have to return to an audacious and entirely unpredictable combat mode; put on a happy, aw-shucks face while annihilating utterly the Baathist remnants and Sadr's killers;
Please check out what he says again
put on a happy, aw-shucks face while annihilating utterly
You know what I think people who insist in this view deserve? Here's a hint, the person doing it would be wearing a
happy, aw-shucks face
.From now on, just call me Josh "Happy, Aw-Shucks Face" Narins.

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