Sunday, June 06, 2004

The Truth About Jesus, Part II
Luckily, future authors will have more source material to work with.  He certainly never was resurrected.  Since the Gospel of Thomas is a collection of the sayings of Jesus, without a narrative or context, a likely story emerges, however unpalatable.  Thomas appeared so close to Yehochua that they could have been twins.  After Jesus was got in trouble with the powers that be, Judas informed on the double, who was killed in his place by an unwitting Roman guard and judicial system.  Appearing in the evenings by the light of fire, Jesus could pass as both men, the man and the resurrected, as promised.  Thomas was the physicality of the false resurrection.  Similarly, in any false story of "proving" that the Lake Galilean was in fact resurrected, Thomas would have had to been there.  In the story (John 20:19-29), Thomas sticks his fingers in the wounds.  "What a pal!"  Still, he could never get close to the people who knew the difference between them, and was against him, i.e. anyone with authority..

  What, ask ye, of the Saduccee, the Jewish Temple Scholars, the scribes and historians?  They are the authors of the New Testament of the Christian Bible, as it is known today.  The problem with the writings of the Galilean and his associates was that, by the standards of the Temple Scholars, it simply wouldn't do.  We have thousands of years of experience with this stuff.  Look, why do you think the Tanakh, the Laws of Judah, the Old Testament, has held together all this time, simply because it the perfectly candid representations of the truth?  Don't be daft, Mark.  Look, I'm probably taking a big risk, talking to you at all, tell me the story and I'll produce the version that will pass the sniff tests you simply know the guys back in the Temples and the Towns will be applying. 

And after the Revolt of the Jews against the Romans was put down, and their temple was destroyed, some of the temple scholars fled. The Official center of Jewish Temple Scholarship went to the Qumran site, meaning that became the center of the religious government in exile of the dual branched system of the Judans. And I believe that is where apostolic, friends of the Galilean community fled, as Galilee was closer to Rome than even Jerusalem.

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