Monday, June 30, 2003

New way to conceive of the American Health System
During WWII, in lieu of wages, workers accepted health benefits, and thus the uniquely corporate American health care system was born. If you don't think someone has figured out a way to make money out of all those corporate run health programs, you are confused, many people have. The trick is to reorganize American Health Care, entirely. The answer to the question "Who can we remove first from the responsibility and hassle of medical programs for their employees?" and the answer is the small businessperson who engages in no tasks that a regular adult, responsible for a home, might do. The next "carve-out' from required employer provided health care is naturally those firms who employ one tool or space in their operations that do require worker-hazard insurance. Take the Photographer's Dark Room. It is dark, which makes it a hazardous space, there are chemicals which can cause problems in eyes. Since you can trip in a dark room and spill the chemical on your eyes, this is a combination hazard that can not be neatly carved out. If the chemical dipping process were to be made safe [?built into the wall for stability, hands through holes in plexiglass into "rubber" gloves?] then there would only be the hazard of the dark. Firms doing more than 1000/manmonths per year of employing should be asked if they think they need qualify, and if so, how long it might take them to comply. Unions, perfectly suited to understanding the danger levels of their trade around the world, are the Firms Ally at the bargaining table with Insurers. A system that seeks to provide insurance to all, or insurance to all who can't get their own, has no responsibility in terms of Site insurance or Hazard insurance. We have not yet seen the peak of medical prices. As 90% of health care costs are tied up in the last six months of life, according to one Author who spoke in Los Angeles at a Book Festival, means that adding funds will also create increased demand. Of course, these carve-outs are only one part of the whole. A lot of the rest can be found in the June, 2003 archive of this blog

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