Sunday, February 01, 2004

Spinefull posturing
If you say the right things, and stand up for liberty and freedom, but then sit back down, you still get some credit.. Of course, the U.S. paper doesn't quite follow Khameini's power, calling it ultimate, when it really amounts to a veto and the right to vet candidates. These powers are central to governnance, but it falls far, far short of "ultimate" power. Majjls=Iranian Parliament. Khameini=Lifetime Clerical Leader
They turned our Islam into the Islam of the Taliban," resigning lawmaker Rajab Ali Mazrouie charged during the unprecedented and insulting rebuke of the hard-line Guardian Council. "Elections whose results are predetermined violate the rights and ideals of the nation." "Destroying people's rights is the greatest sin in Islam," Majlis speaker Mehdi Karroubi said after piling the resignation letters the members handed him one-by-one into a foot-high stack. He called on Khamenei to "intervene to solve this problem," adding that he is still optimistic the acrimonious dispute can be resolved. When the frustrated reformers asked Karroubi to grant them leave from the parliamentary chamber, he refused. So they remained, embarking on further diatribes against the Guardian Council. The live broadcast that was carried uninterrupted on Majlis Radio, which routinely broadcasts parliamentary sessions, was a rare glimpse for ordinary Iranians into the brewing political crisis that the broadcast media has so far censored. The three-week sit-in by members each day was never shown on television, nor were key reformers interviewed.